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In episode 33 of Toronto Livings Real Estate Podcast, hosts, Mark Savel and Joey Virgilio provide their predictions for the real estate market in Toronto for 2024.

They particularly focus on real estate sectors such as detached houses, semis, towns, and condos. The conversation extends to include updates about changes in the Trust In Real Estate Services (TRESA) act and influences of AI in real estate.

They also delve into their personal lives, sharing their fondness for aquariums, rocks, plants and their future plans of inviting guests to the podcast, including celebrities, chefs, pro athletes and family members. The episodes cover a mix of professional insights, personal experiences, future goals and appreciation for their fan base.


(00:00) Welcome and Introduction
(01:12) Joey’s Return from Mexico
(01:47) Joey’s Mexico Trip Recap
(02:38) Jellyfish Encounter in Mexico
(05:34) Food Experiences in Mexico
(07:31) Back to Work After Vacation
(07:39) Toronto Food Scene Discussion
(10:21) Real Estate Market Update
(10:25) Predictions for 2024
(10:25) Predictions for Real Estate Market in 2024
(11:18) News You Can Use Segment
(28:48) Discussion on Condo Market
(30:33) Concerns About Pre-Construction Market
(32:21) Discussion on Variable Rates and Real Estate Developers
(32:49) Impact of High Rates on Real Estate Market
(33:37) Predictions for Real Estate Market in 2024
(33:49) Debate on Best Performing Real Estate Segment
(34:37) Impact of Airbnb Restrictions on Condo Market
(34:58) Changes in Rental Prices and Market Trends
(37:10) Predictions for Detached House Prices
(39:04) Discussion on Real Estate Market Anomalies
(42:22) Impact of Tressa on Real Estate Market
(47:08) Discussion on AI in Real Estate
(55:35) Personal Goals and Plans for 2024

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